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Transit | People | Places | Now


We are Rail Connects Nova Scotia Alliance, a not- for-profit coalition of diverse sectors, interests, and individuals. We want to change the conversation about how people get around in Nova Scotia.

How to get involved

  • Join our Facebook Group,
    Rail Connects - Connections
    Click here


    Follow us over at LinkedIn,
    Rail Connects Interest Page
    Click here

  • Share your support of Light Rail with your Municipal, Provincial and / or Federal representative.

    Click here for a Template

  • The important thing about moving people around the province is - the people.

    Share with us your challenges with the current transit systems.

    Have you experienced affordability challenges? Equality issues due to age or disability? Or even loss of time with loved ones due to traffic.

    Share your story with us below.

Tell us your Nova Scotia story

Rail Connects wants to see a Nova Scotia that is thriving. With an efficient transit system in place we anticipate each community could continue to have its’ own culture and economy while our population grows. We know from being coast to coast, that’s not the reality if we continue to only invest in highways. Share your story of how transit has impacted your quality of life.

Benefits of a Light Rail System

Rail Rapid Transit is key to Achieving the Provincial Climate Change Objectives

“Now is the time for Nova Scotia to invent, develop and build a public transit system which will grow our population, our economy, build and celebrate our assets, and make us more inclusive and attractive as a province”.

Want to get in touch?

Send us an email!

We are proudly based across Nova Scotia

Stay on track!